

A Study on the Basic Structure of Confucius together with Daoists in the Appendices to the Book of Changes
摘要 选取《系辞》中四个关于《周易》本体论表述的语篇和四个关于《周易》认识论表述的语篇进行分析,明显可以感受《易传》包含思想流派的糅杂和多样;进而从五个方面:《说卦传》、《系辞下·第二章》和《易传》中有关阴阳说的内容,乾坤卦经文、彖传、象传与《文言传》,《彖传》与《象传》,《系辞传》,和《序卦传》与《杂卦传》,对整个《易传》进行思想流派语篇分析式的扫描,从而显示其历史文化的演变和传承,一定程度上真实地折射出战国时期百家争鸣、流派纷呈的状态;再以西周初期的思想文化、春秋后期的思想文化以及战国时期的思想文化为背景,总体看待《易传》的思想流派,可以明显看出孔子的思想、道家各派的思想和西周初期的《周易》思想依次形成了孔携道、易及其他的《易传》思想流派基本格局。具体而言,以西周初期统治思想文化为基础的《周易》,经孔子引道入易研究方法的开拓和划时代的理性思维研究,揭开了蒙在《周易》上的已经淡薄的占筮思维面纱,经战国时期多派道家和其他不同思想流派的共同研究,至战国末年或西汉早年今本《易传》定型,使得《周易》的经、传结合真正成为具有我国古代深厚文化传统的理性哲学著作。认识这一点,对于如何评价孔子的思想和历史地位以及重新梳理中国古代哲学史、易学史和儒学史有一定的学术参考价值。 Modern and contemporary studies of the Appendices to the Book of Changes (Yi Zhuan) often focused on different schools of thought implied in it. Some insisted that Appendices should be written by Confucius, some held that it was written by Daoist scholars, and some by scholars of the Yin-Yang School. The textual analysis of Appendices may bring us a new and rational substantial understanding of Appendices. In it, those different expositions of what the Book of Changes was and how it reflected the world mainly reflected understandings of different schools in the phase of 'hundred school contention' of the whole Warring States Period, a unique traditional cultural phenomenon. The Book of Changes, based on the early Western Zhou ruling thought and culture, gradually became our nation’s rational philosophical writing instead of a mysterious divination book after Confucius’ and Daoists’ rational studies. And meanwhile, the Appendices to the Book of Changes also became a truly philosophical writing with profound ancient Chinese culture, and its basic structure of Confucius together with Daoists and scholars of changes was formed. Such an understanding may have a certain academic referential value in evaluating Confucius’ thought and historical position and reexamining ancient Chinese histories of philosophy, changeology and Confucianism.
作者 傅惠生
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期90-104,154,共15页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 《易传》 孔携道 基本格局 The Appendices to the Book of Changes, Confucius, structure
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  • 1钟肇鹏.《孔子研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1991,69-80页.
  • 2孔子文化大全编辑部.《尚书》,王世舜今译,济南:山东友谊出版社,1993,220--222页.
  • 3司马迁.《史记·老子韩非列传》,北京:中华书局,1959年,第2141页;第2140页.








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