目的:探讨穴位封闭配合口服升白细胞(升白)药治疗抗甲状腺药物所致白细胞减少症的临床疗效。方法:将确诊的210例患者随机分为A、B、C3 组(各70 例)。A组口服维生素B4、利血生和碳酸锂;B组在A 组治疗基础上联合应用足三里穴、膈俞穴注射地塞米松及肌苷;C组应用粒细胞集落刺激因子(G CSF)皮下注射,3 组均在治疗后第3、5、10日各查血象1次,进行疗效评定。结果:3 组患者总有效率分别为35.7% 、90.0%和100.0% 。B组总有效率显著优于A组(P< 0.01),B、C2 组疗效相近(P> 0.05)。结论:穴位封闭配合口服升白药治疗抗甲状腺药所致白细胞减少症,疗效明显高于单纯口服升白药者,与应用G CSF疗效相近。
Objective:To investigate the clinically curative effects of point block combined with medicine of raising leukocyte taken orally on leukopenia induced by antithyroid preparation.Methods:210 patients were randomly divided into A,B and C group ( n =70 for each group).A group was treated with vitamine B 4,leucogen,and lithium carbonate taken orally.In B group based on the some therapy as B group the point block of Zusanli point and Geshu point using dexmethasone and inosine injection injected to both sides of points was administered.In C group GCSF injected subculaneously was used.In all of the three groups the blood routine was examined on 3,5,and 10 days after therapy respectively and the curative effects were judged.Results:The total effective rates in three groups were 35 7%,90 0% and 100 0% respectively the total effective rate in B group was significantly higher than that in A group ( P <0 01),while between B and C group the curative effects were similarity ( P >0 05).Conclusions: The curative effects of point block combined with medicine of raising leukocyte taken orally on leukopenia induced by antithyroid preparation are significantly higher than those treated with medicine of raising leukocyte alone but similar to those treated with GCSF.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care