
食管癌术后营养支持探讨 被引量:4

摘要 目的:探讨食管癌术后患者营养支持问题。方法:收治食管癌术后患者30例,对营养治疗所采用的方式、时间、并发症、治疗前后白蛋白,血红蛋白指标进行统计和比较。结果:30例患者均有使用肠外营养,平均7.07±4.24天;19例使用肠内营养,平均8.16±5.45天。术后营养支持平均10.27±5.63天。28例好转出院,9例出现并发症,包括多脏器功能衰竭,吻合口瘘,乳糜胸等。治疗前血白蛋白平均32.76±5.41g/L,治疗后35.83±3.73g/L;治疗前血红蛋白平均125.43±15.54g/L,治疗后112.93±14.90g/L。两者P<0.05,有统计学显著性差异。结论:食管癌术后营养支持对于帮助患者渡过禁食期,促进切口愈合等有积极的作用,应进一步完善和规范患者的营养治疗及对治疗效果的评价。 Objective:To investigate the postoperative treatment of patients with nutritional problems.Methods:Zhongshan City People's Hospital of nutrition in the treatment of esophageal cancer in 2010 after 30 patients on nutritional therapy used in the manner,time,complications,treatment before and after albumin,hemoglobin,indicators,statistics and more.Results:30 patients had used parenteral nutrition,the average 7.07±4.24 days;19 cases of use of enteral nutrition,the average 8.16±5.45 days.Postoperative nutritional support average 10.27±5.63 days.28 cases improved and discharged,nine patients had complications,including multiple organ failure,fistula,chylothorax and so on.The average pre-treatment serum albumin 32.76±5.41g/L,after treatment 35.83±3.73g/L;mean hemoglobin before treatment 125.43±15.54g/L,after treatment 112.93±14.90g/L.Both P0.05,statistically significant difference.Conclusion:The postoperative nutritional support in helping patients through the fasting period,to promote wound healing have a positive effect,should further improve and standardize the patient's nutritional therapy and for treatment evaluation.
作者 朱建芳
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第1期75-76,共2页
关键词 食管癌 营养支持 肠外营养 肠内营养 esophageal cancer nutrition support parenteral nutrition enteral nutrition
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