目的 :比较目前常规疗法的优缺点 ,探讨治疗瘢痕疙瘩的新方法。方法 :采用两种方法治疗瘢痕疙瘩。方法 1:采用特制的高液压瘢痕注射器向瘢痕内注射确炎舒松 ;2以手术为主。两组均为外涂去疤霜 ,并用透明敷料“安舒妥”密封的综合疗法。结果 :2 0例患者的 84块瘢痕用方法 1,治愈率 6 8% ,总有效率 98% ;12例患者的 32块瘢痕用方法 2 ,治愈率37% ,总有效率 81%。统计学分析二者的差异有显著性。结论 :方法 1疗效虽优于方法 2但各有特点 ,在瘢痕疙瘩的治疗上应权衡利弊 。
Objective:In order to seek the new methods for treating keloid.Methods:We used two methods,method 1:Injected triamcinolone into keloid、besmear ointmen on keloid surface and covered with Opsite on outer, method 2:excise keloid before and after operation inject triamcinolone into cut.Result:The effective and curability rate of method 1 was 98% and 68%;that of method 2 was 81% and 37%.The difference of two methods was significantly.Conclusion:Because there was no effective methods to avoid recrudesce after operation,exision was the second selection to treat keloid
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine