5Engelund,Svend M Sc,Ph D.Bridge Evaluation Quality Assurance[Z].presented at the offices of Offices of Ramboll Consulting Engineers,Virum,Denmark,June 8,2007.
6Godart,Bruno,LCPC.Qualification Of Inspection Staff[Z].presented at the offices of Offices of SETRA,Bagneux,France,June 11,2007.
7Norwegian Public Roads Administration.Handbook for Bridge Inspections[Z].January,2000.
8Odent,Nathalie.Bridges Asset Management[Z].presented at the offices of 0ffices of SETRA,Bagneux,France,June 11,2007.
9S6derqvist,Marja-Kaarina.Inspection Methods and Reference Bridges[Z].presented at the offieeS of Offlces of Finnish Road Administration,Helsinki,Finland June 4,2007.
10S(o)derqvist,Marja-Kaarina.Bridge Inspection Quality anagement in Finnish Road Administration[Z].presented at the offices of Offices of Finnish Road Administration,Helsinki,Finland June 5,2007.