印度政府把林业排在国民经济的第 2位 ,其林业科技政策重视可持续发展目标和社会目标 ,强调国家机构间的密切合作 ,鼓励地方更多地参与林业科研和森林的管理和保护。印度制定和实施了以可持续森林管理为主要内容的国家林业行动计划 ,对森林采取多效益综合经营方式 ,重点是发展社会林业 ,其中参与式森林经营方法如联合森林经营 ,有效地解决了林业发展与当地社会、经济之间的冲突。印度在林业遥感、流域治理、保护区网络、社会林业等研究领域走在发展中国家前列 ,其林业科学研究注重实用性 ,在重视基础研究的同时强调开发和推广林业适用技术。印度还积极组织各种社会力量进行林业科技扶贫 ,提倡产学研结合。今后的林业科技发展将继续重视人工林营造和林产品加工研究 ,强调开发和推广林业适用技术 ,并强化森林资源的保护。
Forestry takes the second place ameng the most important sector in the national economy in India. The goals of India forestry policy on the science and technology focus on the sustainable development of society and economy. At the same time, special emphasis is put on the close inter sectoral cooperation and the local participation in forestry research as well as the management and protection of forests. National Forestry Action Program has been formulated and is now being implemented in India. Its aim is to realize sustainable management of forests, in which, forests are managed comprehensively in order to get multi benefits, especially by developing community forestry. Participatory management such as JFM (joint forest management) is found effective in resolving the conflicts between the development of forestry and the development of local society and economy. India is in the lead in the fields of remote sensing, watershed management and protected areas network in developing countries. Pragmatic projects enjoy priority in forestry research in India, special emphasis is placed on basic research as well as the development and spread of applied forestry technologies. All kinds of organizations are aroused to participate in poverty alleviation by applying forestry technologies in India, and the cooperation among forest industries, universities and research institutes is advocated. In the future, special emphasis will still be put on researches on plantation establishment and forest products processing as well as the development and spread of forestry technologies, meanwhile the protection of forest resources will also be enforced.
World Forestry Research