
掺铒硫系玻璃光纤的中红外增益特性模拟研究 被引量:7

Theoretical Studies on Mid-Infrared Gain Characteristics of Erbium-Doped Chalcogenide Glass Fibers
摘要 实验制备了Er3+掺杂质量分数为1%的Ga5Ge20Sb10S65硫系玻璃,测试了其折射率、吸收光谱和荧光光谱,利用Judd-Ofelt和Futchbauer-Ladenburg理论计算了Er3+离子的自发辐射几率、吸收截面和受激发射截面等光谱参数。在综合考虑Er3+离子的交叉弛豫、能量上转换和激发态吸收效应的基础上,应用四能级粒子数速率-光功率传输方程模型,模拟计算了Er3+掺杂Ga5Ge20Sb10S65硫系玻璃光纤的中红外2.74μm波段的增益特性。结果显示,Er3+掺杂硫系玻璃光纤在2.74μm中红外波段具有较高的信号增益和较宽的增益谱,最大增益值和20dB增益带宽分别超过了40dB和200nm,表明其是可用于中红外2.74μm波段宽带放大的理想增益介质。 The Er3+ doped(the mass fraction is 1%) Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide glasses are fabricated and the refractive index,absorption spectrum and emission spectra are measured.The spontaneous emission probability,absorption cross-section and emission cross-section are calculated using the theories of Judd-Ofelt and the Futchbauer-Ladenburg equation.Based on the rate equations and light propagation equations,the numerical simulations on mid-infrared gain characteristics for the Er3+ doped Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide glass fiber are calculated.Effects of energy transfer between Er3+ levels due to cross-relaxation,cooperative up-conversion and excited state absorption are considered in simulation.The results show that the Er3+ doped Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide glass fiber has a bigger signal mid-infrared gain and wider mid-infrared gain spectrum,and its maximum signal gain and gain width at 20 dB exceeds 40 dB and 200 nm,respectively.The results indicate that the Er3+ doped Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide glass is a better gain medium which can be applied to broadband amplifiers in mid-infrared.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期139-145,共7页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 国家自然科学基金(60878042 61177087) 教育部新世纪优秀人才项目(NCET-10-0976) 浙江省杰出青年基金项目(R1101263) 宁波市新型光电功能材料及器件创新团队项目(2009B21007) 宁波大学王宽诚幸福基金资助课题
关键词 材料 掺铒硫系玻璃 中红外增益 速率-传输方程 materials erbium-doped chalcogenide glass mid-infrared gain rate-propagation equation
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