
瘤胃纤维降解菌株的筛选 被引量:3

Screening of the Ruminal Rice Straw Cellulolytic Bacteria
摘要 试验旨在筛选瘤胃内有一定纤维降解作用的菌株。通过平板培养基及固体发酵进行筛选,结果分离得到19株有纤维降解作用的菌株,其中有7株降解作用显著,分别为R2、R3、R4、R5、R7、R14、R19,综合刚果红染色、纤维素酶活及DM消失率的测定结果,最终以R3效果最佳,其透明斑直径/菌落直径为6.27、纤维素酶活为5.94U·g-1、DM消失率达到23.73%。结果显示,筛选出的瘤胃菌中以R3对稻草秸秆的降解作用效果最佳。 This experiment aimed at screening the bacteria that have the role of degrading the fibers. The screening was tested by the methods of plate medium, congo red staining and fiber degradation. There were 20 strains of cellulolytic bacteria was isolated, and 7 strains of them had the degradation significantly, which were R2, R3, R4, R5, R7, R14, R19 respectively. Congo red staining, determination of cellulose and the cellulose degradation rate could be concluded that R3 was the best. Its transparent spot diameter/colony diameter was 6.27, cellulose activity was 5.94 U·g-1 and the degradation rate of fiber was 23.73%. These results indicated that R3 was the best to degradation straw from screening the bacteria that have the role of degrading the fibers.
出处 《饲料博览》 2012年第1期5-8,共4页 Feed Review
基金 现代农业产业技术体系(奶牛)(nycytx-02-02) 国家公益性行业(农业)科技项目(20090360) 国家科技富民强县专项课题"奶牛标准化高产养殖技术推广与示范"(北安)
关键词 瘤胃 纤维降解菌 稻草秸秆 筛选 rumen cellulolytic bacteria straw screening
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