
假设形成与检验的神经机制 被引量:2

The Neural Mechanism of Hypothesis Formation and Testing
摘要 假设形成与检验是解决任何复杂问题的重要思维工具,是人们发现规则,形成概念,建立假说,获得知识的基础。为进一步考察这一思维能力的神经机制,本项目在已有行为及脑电研究的基础上以"类别概括-规则发现"为研究范式,给被试提供包含多个知觉维度的刺激,要求被试通过知觉观察与反馈学习发现基于类别的规则(假设)。本项目重点考察被试在此任务中选择与收敛假设,以及加工否定(冲突)信息的脑机制,并尝试揭示假设形成与检验的个体发展特征。 Hypothesis formation and testing is an important tool to solve any complex problems.It is also the foundation of discovering rules,forming concept,establishing hypothesis,and acquiring knowledge.On the basis of previous behavioral and EEG studies,this project takes "category generalization-rule discovery" as the major paradigm and provides observers with multiple-dimensions perceptual stimuli to investigate the mechanism of the thinking process.Observers need to find the category-based rules through perceptual observation and feedback learning.The project focus on the brain mechanism of hypothesis selection,hypothesis convergence and the processing of negative(conflict) information,and attempts to reveal the individual developmental characteristics of hypothesis generation and testing.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期191-196,共6页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31070985) 国家重点学科建设项目之扶持项目(NSKD08014)
关键词 假设形成 假设检验 神经机制 Hypothesis formation Hypothesis testing neural mechanism
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