
参与式性别预算:来自温岭的探索 被引量:12

Participatory Gender Budget:The Case of Wenling
摘要 中国近年兴起的"参与式性别预算"是指从性别视角审议与监督政府的财政预算,较典型的是浙江温岭的实践,其实质是当地"参与式预算"的延伸与拓展。这种参与式性别预算的动力来自于体制内部,即"人大"推动和党委政府的支持。参与式性别预算的主体是多元的,包括人大、党委、政府、妇联、人大代表和基层民众等,他们各司其职又紧密配合,其运行机制和参与式预算互为依存,或者说依系于参与式预算的基本框架。参与式性别预算的内容主要包括三个层面:一是针对女性的专项预算支出;二是与女性关系更密切的预算支出;三是一般性的预算支出。这一女性参与决策的新途径已经取得明显成效。但是,如果从完整规范的预算周期评估来看,仍有待拓展和深化。 "Participatory Gender Budget" as a new approach of women' participation in decision-making has seen an example in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, where the operation of "participatory budgeting" has been extended to include an analytic framework to deliberate and oversee the local government's financial budget from a gender perspective. The dynamic mechanism of participatory gender budget derives and benefits from the innovations of local governance and public management that have involved multiple actors including the local People's Congress, Women's Federation, deputies to the People's Congress, and grassroots citizens. The operating mechanisms are interdependent between participatory gender budget and participatory budget as the former relies on the framework of the latter. The contents of gender budget mainly consist of three levels: the first is the budget expenditure specifically for women; the second is budget expenditure closely related to women; the third is general budget expenditure. This innovative initiative, based on democratic deliberation, has achieved remarkable results. However, it still needs to improve in terms of the standardized assessment of the budget cycle.
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期33-41,共9页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"改革开放以来中国妇女参与政治决策的实证研究"之一部分(批准号08BZZ005)
关键词 参与式性别预算 参与式预算 预算的审议与评估 性别平等 participatory gender budget, participatory budget, deliberation and assessment of budget, gender equality
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