
当代临床营养治疗的挑战与机遇 被引量:11

Current clinical nutrition challenges and emerging interest
摘要 近年来,临床营养领域在营养风险筛查及营养制剂的发展方面有了很大进步。临床营养实践的规范化以及操作指南的制定等方面均取得了巨大进步,提升和拓展了营养支持的理念。但是,临床营养实践和研究仍然面临各种挑战,前进的步伐缓慢,应该引起高度关注。 Recent advance in clinical nutrition has involved recognition and assessment of nutritional risk, development of nutrition formulations, appropriate application and clinical practice guidelines of nutritional support. Despite much developments achieved in the field of clinical nutrition, controversies and large gaps exist between many recommendations and actual practice, and consequently nutrition therapy is suboptimal.
作者 吴国豪
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期104-106,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 临床营养 规范化治疗 clinical nutrition standardized treatment
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