
旅游资源需求函数模型及应用 被引量:5

Models and application on demand function of tourism resources
摘要 自然旅游资源生态系统在人类活动中弱化了自支持能力,基于社会福利经济学原理的旅游者对旅游资源的价值补偿研究逐渐成为热点.基于旅游者显示性(行为)和陈述性(意愿)偏好实证数据,通过需求函数,研究非市场社会(准)公共品自然旅游资源经济价值,以反应旅游者享受旅游资源的价值补偿.采用需求函数的连续型函数、Box-Cox模型和计数模型形式系统分析显示性偏好数据,指出半对数、Box-CoxⅠ型和负二项分布计数模型的需求函数具有较大优势;并用它们分析陈述性偏好数据.提出整合旅游者的显示性和陈述性数据需求函数模型分析旅游资源破坏与改善导致的价值补偿和可持续发展问题,并给出大连滨海旅游资源分析案例. Tourists' value compensation based on social welfare economic theorem becomes one of the hot topics in natural tourism resources ecosystem which is minimizing self-supporting ability against human activities. Analyzed individual revealed preference (behavior preference) and stated preference (willingness preference) surveyed data, study on value of non-market (quasi) public goods tourism resources through demand functions, presents compensating value for tourists' enjoying aesthetic. The demand functions of continuous functions, Box-Cox models, and count models are estimated by MLE for empirical revealed preference data, and on behalf of alternative tourism resources demand functions, semi-log functions, BoxCox I and negative binominal count models are picked up. Meanwhile, the choice demand functions are used to analysis empirical stated preference data. Furthermore, integrated empirical revealed preference and stated preference data models, demand functions are utilized to analysis value compensation and sustainable development of destroyed or improved tourism resources, as well as, Dalian coastal tourism resources study case is presented.
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期274-282,共9页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金(70871014)
关键词 旅游资源 需求函数 显示性偏好 陈述性偏好 计数模型 tourism resources demand function revealed preference stated preference count models
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