
协同创新与后发企业动态能力的演化——吉利汽车1997-2011年纵向案例研究 被引量:23

Collaborative innovation and dynamic capability of late-comer company:case of Geely from 1997 to 2011
摘要 基于对吉利汽车的纵向案例研究,分析了系统创新与后发企业的动态能力的演化过程。通过对协同创新的具体实践案例的分析,揭示了后发企业应对外部不确定的环境,抓住机会,提升动态能力,实现竞争优势的规律。本文旨在对协同创新、动态能力与技术追赶相关理论和实践做出贡献。 By selecting a Chinese leading private enterprise in the automobile industry,Geely,as the research subject of this case study,the present study investigates in depth its collaboration innovation process and dynamic capabilities building during 1997-2010.To cope with the dynamic business environment,to seize the external opportunity,and thus to achieve competitive advantages,Chinese enterprises can carry out collaboration innovation to build their dynamic capability.This study aims to contribute to the research on collaboration innovation,dynamic capability and technology catching-up.
作者 冉龙 陈晓玲
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期201-206,共6页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 协同创新 动态能力 案例研究 后发企业 技术追赶 吉利 collaboration innovation dynamic capability case study later-comer technology catching-up Geely
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