
产品复杂性与主体互动模式对创新绩效的影响研究 被引量:5

The research on the effect of product complexity and agent patterned interactions on innovation performance
摘要 结合产品创新过程,借鉴生物演化的适应度景观概念,将系统中多主体的互动模式引入NK模型,运用模拟仿真考察产品复杂程度、小世界型与偏好依附型两种互动模式对合作网络中产品创新绩效的影响。结果表明,产品复杂性保持不变,在基于合作网络的产品创新过程中,当产品复杂性较低或较高时,偏好依附型互动模式优于小世界型互动模式;当产品复杂性适中时,小世界型互动模式优于偏好依附型互动模式。互动模式保持不变时,两种互动模式下的创新绩效都随着产品复杂性的增加而减少。 Combining with product innovation process,drawing on the concept of fitness landscape in biological evolution,this paper embedded patterned interactions among agents into an NK simulation model.Using simulation researched the effect of the complexity of product,small-world type interaction and preferential attachment type interaction on innovation performance.Results shown,holding fixed the complexity of product,preferential attachment type interaction with higher innovation performance when he level of product complexity are low and high;small-world type interaction with higher innovation performance when the level of product complexity are moderate.Holding fixed the pattern of interaction,with increasing the product complexity innovation performance reduced.
作者 张慧颖 王辉
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期294-300,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 天津市科委科技发展战略研究计划项目(10ZLZLZF02100) 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目(TJGL10-942)
关键词 互动模式 NK模型 产品复杂性 创新绩效 pattern of interaction NK model product complexity innovation performance
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