
语义对等网环境下节点知识地图的构建 被引量:6

A Construction Method of the Peer Knowledge Map in the Semantic Peer-to-Peer Network
摘要 鉴于节点知识地图有助于语义对等网环境中的节点用户更好地管理和利用信息资源,提出一种语义对等网环境下知识地图的构建方法并进行实例验证。该方法把传统对等网上知识地图构建的思想引入到语义对等网中,依据语义对等网环境特有的节点资源语义标注信息,利用自然语言处理技术与本体技术进行知识抽取,并使用OWL语言进行知识的描述,同时引入具有语义的三元组方式对知识概念之间的关系进行管理,最终动态生成可视化节点知识地图,实现节点资源有序化管理。 Considering peer knowledge map being capable to help the peer users in the environment of semantic peer-to-peer network to have a better management and usage of the information resources, a construction method of the knowledge map is proposed and illustrated with the environment of semantic peer-to-peer network and an example is given to validate the efficiency of the proposed method. This method combines the traditional perspective of forming the knowledge map in the peer-to-peer network with the semantic peer-to- peer network. According to the unique semantic annotation information of the peer resources in the semantic peer-to-peer network, it uses the natural language processing technology and ontology technology to process knowledge extraction, applies the OWL to describe the knowledge entity, manages the relationship between the knowledge concepts with semantic triple. Finally, it will produce a visual peer knowledge map, which will implement an orderly management of the peer resources.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期101-106,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于语义对等网的知识组织和灵捷检索研究"(项目编号:70873090) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"基于社区的P2P信息资源的语义检索模型研究"(项目编号72104234)研究成果之一
关键词 语义对等网 知识地图 语义标注 semantic peer-to-peer network knowledge map semantic annotation
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