

Ajax Anomaly Detecting Technology based on Payload Data
摘要 Ajax技术不断增加的复杂度、透明度以及代码量,大大增加了Ajax应用系统的攻击面和信息泄露的可能性。针对Ajax架构的漏洞特点和攻击行为,从数据包载荷内容的角度上对Ajax异常请求做出分析研究,总结出Ajax异常数据包的特征,并通过改进的BM算法进行特征提取,最后通过评估算法对提取的特征进行异常判断。实验结果表明,相对于传统的入侵检测方法,采用提出的Ajax异常检测技术能够比较高效准确地完成对Ajax异常请求的检测。 With the increasing complexity, transparency and code of Ajax technology, the attack surface and possibility of information leakage for Ajax application system is greatly enhanced. Aiming at the loophole characteristics of and aggressive behavior against Ajax structure, this paper, from the content of data packets payload, analyzes and studies the anomalous request packet by Ajax, summarizes the characteristics of anomalous data packets of Ajax, and the feature extraction is implemented with the improved BM algorithm. Finally an anomaly judgment on these extracted characteristics is done through the evaluation algorithm. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional intrusion detection methods, the Ajax anomaly detecting technology proposed in this paper could accurately and efficiently complete the detection of Ajax anomalous request.
作者 吕景旭 吴静
出处 《通信技术》 2012年第1期119-121,124,共4页 Communications Technology
关键词 Ajax攻击 JavaScr ipt代码 特征提取 异常检测 Ajax attack JavaScript code feature extraction anomaly detection
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