
光变色IOL、蓝光滤过IOL和普通IOL植入术后对比敏感度、眩光对比敏感度对比分析 被引量:2

Comparison of contrast sensitivity and glare contrast sensitivity following implantation of photochromic,blue-light filtering and conventional clear intraocular lenses
摘要 目的观察光变色人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)、蓝光滤过IOL和普通非蓝光滤过IOL植入术后的对比敏感度(contrast sensitivity,CS)和眩光CS的差异。方法 60例老年性白内障随机分为3组,均行白内障超声乳化吸出联合IOL植入术,分别植入光变色MATRIXTM400型IOL(A组)、Acrysof Nutural SN60AT蓝光滤过IOL(B组)、不具有光线滤过功能的LEN-STEC SofTec I普通折叠IOL(C组),术后3个月对3组患者进行最佳矫正视力、CS和眩光CS检查。结果术前A组最佳矫正视力为0.27±0.10,B组为0.27±0.09,C组为0.27±0.09,术后分别为0.75±0.08、0.70±0.09、0.70±0.09,术前、术后组间差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05),组内术前、术后差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。在3c.d-1、6c.d-1、12c.d-1空间频率上A组CS均高于B组和C组,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05);在18c.d-1空间频率上A组与B组、C组的差异无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。A组的眩光CS较CS有所提高,在各空间频率上差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05);B组和C组的眩光CS和CS比较,在各空间频率上差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。A组的CS函数曲线在正常人群范围之内,B组和C组的CS函数曲线低于正常人群。结论光变色MATRIXTM400型IOL比蓝光滤过Acrysof SN60AT IOL和不具有光线滤过功能的LENSTECS of TecI普通IOL有更好的CS和眩光CS,可以显著改善视觉质量。 Objective To compare contrast sensitivity(CS) and glare CS following implantation of photochromic,blue-light filtering and conventional clear intraocular lenses.Methods Sixty senile cataract patients(60 eyes) were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the type of IOL.Group A was implanted MATRIXTM 400,group B was implanted Acrysof Natural SN60AT,and group C was implanted LENSTEC SofTec I.The CS and glare CS were measured with CSV-1000E at 3 months after surgery.Results Preoperative best corrected vision were 0.27±0.10 in group A,0.27±0.09 in group B,0.27±0.09 in group C,and postoperative best corrected vision were 0.75±0.08 in group A,0.70±0.09 in group B,0.70±0.09 in group C.There was no statistical difference among three groups preoperatively and postoperatively(all P0.05).But there were statistical differences in each group about the corrected vision between pre-operation and post-operation(all P0.05).There CS in group A was higher than that in group B and group C at 3 c·d-1,6 c·d-1,and 12 c·d-1 spatial frequencies(all P0.05),but there was no statistical difference among 3 groups at 18 c·d-1 spatial frequency(all P0.05).Compared with CS,the glare CS was improved in group A at each spatial frequency(all P0.05),but no difference was found in group B and group C(all P0.05).The CS curve was at normal value in group A,but lower than that of normal people in group B and group C.Conclusion Photochromic MATRIXTM 400 intraocular lens has better visual quality than that with blue-light filtering Acrysof Natural SN60AT or conventional clear intraocular lens LENSTEC SofTec I.
出处 《眼科新进展》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期166-168,共3页 Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
关键词 光变色人工晶状体 对比敏感度 眩光对比敏感度 photochromic intraocular lens contrast sensitivity glare contrast sensitivity
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