The long-period CT perfusion imaging leads to an excess amoun t of radi ation dose to the patient.However,the radiation dose could be significantly re duced if a previous normal-dose image is acquired before a set of low-dose sca ns of perfusion,and a filtering processing is performed on the differences betwee n the current low-dose images and the previous normal-dose image,then the res ul ts are added to the previous image.But the selection of plenty of parameters ma kes the algorithm complicated.This paper proposes an innovative approach perfor med in sinogram domain instead of in image domain.First a normal-dose image an d a set of low-dose projection data are acquired before the perfusion.Second th e perfusion information is commendably reconstructed with sparsity constraints of the differences between current low-dose perfusion sinograms and previous low-d ose sinogram.Finally,the reconstructed perfusion information is added to the p revious normal-dose image.The proposed method was validated by simulated exper i ments with a set of brain CT perfusion images,which showed that the new method provided more accurate perfusion information;the time-attenuation curve was mo re close to that for normal-dose scan and the mean transit time more repeatable.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering