
Clock distribution system for large high altitude air shower observatory 被引量:1

Clock distribution system for large high altitude air shower observatory
摘要 In this paper,we report a clock distribution system for Water Cherenkov Detector Arrays(WCDAs) in Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO) project.The designed electronics system is of high performance in implementing the clock distribution among detectors of a large scale of dimension.Based on Serializer/Deserializer(SerDes) and fiber transmission,the clock distribution system is the modules of central back end to distributed front end.The clock distribution system has been evaluated with a two modules system.While all the four SerDes candidates for clock transmission with jitters below 17 ps,the DS92LV16 has a fixed phase relationship between transmission clock and recovered clock,hence its use in LHAASO WCDAs. In this paper, we report a clock distribution system for Water Cherenkov Detector Arrays (WCDAs) in Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) project. The designed electronics system is of high performance in implementing the clock distribution among detectors of a large scale of dimension. Based on Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) and fiber transmission, the clock distribution system is the modules of central back end to distributed front end. The clock distribution system has been evaluated with a two modules system. While all the four SerDes candidates for clock transmission with jitters below 17 ps, the DS92LV16 has a fixed phase relationship between transmission clock and recovered clock, hence its use in LHAASO WCDAs.
出处 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期353-357,共5页 核技术(英文)
基金 Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KJCX2-YW-N31)
关键词 分配系统 天文台 高海拔 时钟 淋浴 空气 探测器阵列 光纤传输 LHAASO, Clock distribution, Distributed architecture, Serializer/Deserializer
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