柏科(Cupressaceae)柏属(Cupressus L.)的巨柏(Cupressus gigantea Cheng etL.K.Fu)分布于西藏雅鲁藏布江流域海拔3000—3400米沿江漫滩和灰石露头阶地阳坡的中下部,组成杂木散林,仅在林芝县巴吉附近山坡上保留一片纯林。其中最大一株的直径为5.5米,为巴吉自然保护区的主要保护对象。巨柏的寿命可达2500年以上,为我国珍贵树木,被列为国家二级重点保护植物。
The chromsomal number and karyotype of Cupressus gigantea Cheng et L.K.Fu is re- ported for the first time.The number of somatic chromosome in root tip cell of the species was found to be 2n=22.According to the terminology defined by Levan et al,the karyotype is 2n=22=4m (SC)+16m+2sm,belonging to Stebbin's “A” type of karyotypic symmetry which is generally considered as primitive one.By comparing karyotypes of Cupressus gigantea with other four species of Cupressaceae,the author discovered that Cupressus gigantea is a primitive species in Cupressaceae.
Cupressus gigantea
Karyotype analyses