
互联网端到端多径可靠传输协议研究 被引量:8

Survey of End-to-End Multipath Transport Protocol
摘要 随着有线网络中多路径路由的部署和异构无线网络的发展,通信对等双方存在多条IP路径的场景越来越普遍.由于传统的单径传输协议无法充分发挥多路径带来的好处,如何设计有效的端到端多径可靠传输协议来提高端到端性能并保证网络资源分配的公平性成为研究的热点.多条路径的差异性给多径传输协议的设计带来诸多的问题:分组乱序造成接收缓存阻塞,不合理的多径分组调度造成吞吐率的抑制,缺乏多径协同造成带宽未充分利用和多径异构性造成网络资源分配不公平.就如何应对这些问题对现有协议多路径协议进行综述,并指出协议发展的趋势以及开放的研究问题. With the deployment of multihoming and multipath routing, multipath between wired Internet hosts becomes more and more common. Accompanied by the rapid development of various wireless transmission technologies in recent years, wireless access has become a main access method of the Internet. The swift increase on wireless terminals with multiple network interfaces and the prompt spread of various heterogeneous wireless networks have made it possible for terminals to carry out concurrent multipath transfer. Concurrent multipath transfer can achieve the bandwidth aggregation of multipath and thus greatly improve network utilization, and therefore has become a hot research topic. Meanwhile, the diversity of multipath poses challenges to multipath transport protocol design, such as how to deal with the receiving buffer blockings caused by out-of-order delivery of data packets, the throughput suppression caused by improper multipath packet scheduling, the bandwidth underutilization caused by improper cooperation of multipath, and unfair resource allocation caused by multipath heterogeneity. In this paper, how the existing reliable multipath transport protocols solve the above challenges is surveyed. In conclusion, none of these existing protocols have completely solved the above challenges. Some open research problems and future trend are also stated in the paper.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期261-269,共9页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2008AA01Z212) 国家科技支撑计划基金项目(2008BAH30B10 2008BAH37B09) 国家科技重大专项基金项目(2008ZX03003-005 2011ZX03002-002_02)
关键词 多径调度 分组乱序 接收缓存分配 多径 协同 资源分配 公平性 拥塞控制 multipath scheduling cooperation resource allocation fairn packets-out-of-order receive buffer assignment multipath ess congestion control
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