
基于位置信息的改进AODV路由算法 被引量:7

Improved AODV routing algorithm based on location information
摘要 针对AODV协议路由开销较大的问题,提出一种基于位置信息的改进路由协议(GAODV)。GAODV利用中间节点重新计算转发角度,保证转发角度内邻居节点数不小于预设门限值,同时还引入基于位置信息的计数器方案,使距离目的节点近的中间节点优先转发路由请求消息,有利于减少转发冗余路由请求信息和降低寻路失败概率。OPNET仿真实验结果表明,GAODV在数据分组投递率、路由开销、总丢包数、端到端时延和平均路由跳数等方面都优于已有算法。 To reduce the control overhead of AODV protocol and the ratio of routing failures,an improved geography-based AODV routing protocol,called GAODV,is proposed.In GAODV,the route search scope defined by a forward angle is recalculated by intermediate nodes to reduce the redundant route request messages and to ensure that the number of neighbor nodes in the forward angle is not less than a predetermined threshold that is useful to improve the route success probability.Furthermore,a location-aided counter method is also introduced in GAODV to set the timer according to nodes' position information,which gives intermediate nodes being much closer to the destination the priority to forward route request messages.The simulation results in OPNET show that GAODV can achieve a better performance in terms of data packet delivery ratio,routing overhead,total number of packet loss,end to end delay and average route hop than other existing protocols.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期455-459,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(20082142) 辽宁省教育厅科技研究基金项目(2008S027) 辽宁"百千万人才工程"基金项目(2009921063) 东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室开放研究基金项目(W200908)
关键词 移动自组网 按需 路由 节点位置信息 计数器 转发角度 泛洪 冗余信息 mobile ad hoc networks(MANET) on-demand routing location information counter forward angle flooding redundant messages
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