以芦荟(Aloe vera)茎切段为材料,接种于 MS 加不同植物激素组合的培养基上,成功地经愈伤组织至球状体至不定芽途径形成大量再生植株。在各种细胞分裂素的应用中,玉米素(Zt)效果最好,激动素(Kt)次之。生长素 NAA 与玉米素及激动素配合使用,对愈伤组织的诱导和球状体的发生有明显增效作用,其最适宜的培养基组成为 MS+Zt2ppm+NAA0.5ppm。通过扫描电镜及组织细胞学观察表明,球状体起源于愈伤组织表面,它为一顶端凹陷,具较强分生潜力的细胞团。在其顶端先经两次鳞片原基分化以后,于鳞片原基之间再形成不定芽原基,最后分化出不定芽及发育成小植株。球状体可以看作为具有形成不定芽能力的繁殖单位。
Stem segments of Aloe vera were cultured on MS medium with different hormones and successfully regenerated into a large number of plantlets via callus-globoid-adventitious bud. In application of various cytokinins,the effect of zeatin on organgenesis was better than ki- netm and the enhanced effect was apparent when NAA was combined with zeatin or kinetin on MS medium.The best results were obtained on the medium with zeatin 2ppm+NAA 0.5ppm. With scanning electron microscope and histocytological method the observation showed that the globoid which is a cell mass with hollow on the top originated from the surface of callus.After differentiation of scale primordium twice,the primordium of adventitious bud was formed bet- ween scale primordia.Finally,the adventitious bud was developed into plantlet.Therefore the globid can be considered as a proliferation unit producing adventitious bud.