外源 IAA 处理诱导黄化绿豆下胚轴切段1-氨基环丙烷基-1-羧酸(ACC)合成酶活性提高,增加乙烯生成,同时增加组织中钙调素(CaM)含量。抑制剂氯丙嗪(CPZ),三氟啦嗪(TFP),环己酰亚胺(CHI)抑制 IAA 诱导的乙烯生成同时也抑制 CaM 含量增加。组织中Ca^(2+)水平影响 IAA 诱导的乙烯生成和 CaM 含量增加。结果说明 Ca^(2+)-CaM 可能以某种方式参与 IAA 诱导的乙烯生成。
When the segments of etiolated mungbean hypocotyl were treated with IAA it was obser- ved that the contents of CaM in tissue which were determined by ELISA and ethylene produc- tion were increased with increasing the concentratiorn of IAA.The time course of CaM content change was also similar to that of ethylene production.Some inhibitors,including CPZ,TFP, and CHI,inhibited both increased ethylene production and CaM content by IAA treatment. The activity of ACC synthase and EFE were inhibited by CPZ.Both of lAA-induced ethylene production and CaM content were affected by the level of Ca in segments as a result of pre- treatment with EGTA,CaCl_2,and H_2O before the experiment.From these results it was sug- gested that the Ca and CaM play an important role in induction of ethylene production in mungbean hypocotyl by IAA.