
新型压电行走机构振动模态的有限元分析 被引量:1

Finite Element Analysis of Vibration Modal of a New Type of Piezoelectric Walking Mechanism
摘要 压电行走机构上的压电片在交流电信号激励下产生振动,使与地面接触的机构足部能产生微小的局部椭圆运动。为了分析激励信号的频率与机构出现的前进、倒走、左转、右转等运动姿态之间的关系,以便对机构运动姿态进行精确控制,从机构的结构和工作机理出发,提出了一种新型的压电行走机构,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对机构的振动元件以及机构本身进行了模态分析和谐响应分析。研究了该机构振动模态与运动姿态之间的关系,初步对机构出现的"倒走"等新现象给出了合理的解释。 Excited by alternative current, the piezoelectric patch on the piezoelectric walking mechanism will vi- brate and makes the feet of the piezoelectric walking mechanism produce local elliptical motion. In order to analyze the relationship between the frequency of excitation signal and mechanism moving states, such as moving forward, moving backward, left-handed rotation, right-handed rotation, and to control mechanism moving states precisely, a new type of piezoelectric walking mechanism was proposed based on the working principle of structure. Modal anal- ysis and response analysis of the vibration component of mechanism was carried out using finite element analysis software. The analysis of the relationship between vibration modal and moving states explained why the machine moved backward.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期279-283,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究面上项目(11551432)资助
关键词 压电行走机构 有限元 振动模态 piezoelectric walking mechanism finite element vibration mode
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