
“电磁兼容”课程教学中的实验演示 被引量:3

Demonstration Experiments in Teaching of Electromagnetic Compatibility Course
摘要 本文针对"电磁兼容"课程具有理论深和实践性强的特点,为辅助课堂教学本文设计了最小阻抗路径、自屏蔽、电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽和滤波等教学实验,并对实验过程进行了描述。笔者还对实验原理和实验结论进行了分析和讨论,得出了在工程实际应用中应注意的问题。实践证明,该演示实验可以明显提高课堂教学效果。 In term of the characteristic of Electromagnetic Compatibility course , this paper designs some teaching experiments to improve classroom teaching. This paper elaborates on the procedures of the experiments and by combining theory with practice it achieves what should be cared for in the practical use after the analysis and discussion of the principles and results. It has been proved that the effect of the classroom teaching can be dramatically improved with these experiments.
出处 《电气电子教学学报》 2011年第6期68-70,共3页 Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education
关键词 电磁兼容 演示实验 教学 electromagnetic compatibility demonstration experiment teaching
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