According to the current laws in China,the response to the Bohai Sea oil spill is not as powerful as expected.Needless to say,the administrative penalty has a limited force and the demand for compensation of ecological damage is in the gap of laws,the charge to the crime of major environmental pollution accident is also hard to be affirmed.While China is dealing with the legal affairs on the ecological damage caused by the Bohai Sea oil spill,it is urgent to build the mechanism of compensation for the ecological damage caused by the oil spill,and establish the legal system of prevention and control law on the ecological damage caused by the oil spill.The ideas of setting ecosystem management as the legislative guidelines,and the protection of ecological interest and the prevention and control of ecological damage as the legislative goals,as well as establishing the legislative pattern of marine ecosystem management and improving the legal system construction of marine ecosystems management,are all key to the responding to the ecological damage caused by the oil spill in China.
Annual of China Maritime Law
the Bohai sea oil spill
oil spill response fund
the mechanism of compensation for the ecological damage caused by the oil spill
ecosystem management