
世变中知识人的因应:略论戊戌时期今文学派的新变化 被引量:2

The New Features of the New-text School during the Period of the Hundred Days' Reform
摘要 戊戌时期,在自身学理演进与时局发展的双重作用下,今文学派出现新的变化。主要有三个方面:其一,经学研究领域有了新的内容;其二,宗今文学者的政治意识更为强烈;其三,对西方理论与学说有所采纳。这些新变化愈益突显出今文学派关注现实、关怀社会的思想特质。 During the period of the Hundred Days' Reform, under the influence of the evolution of its own academic principles and the development of the political situation, the New-text School took on new changes. First, the classical studies had new contents. Second, the New-text scholars showed more political consciousness. Third, it tried to absorb the western theories and knowledge. All the new changes pointed to the fact that the New-text School had the ideological traits of concern with realities and society.
作者 程尔奇
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2011年第6期7-13,共7页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
关键词 戊戌时期 今文学派 学理 政治意识 西学 Period of Hundred Days' Reform New-text School academic principle political consciousness western learning
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