
消费者微博营销参与意愿影响因素分析——基于TAM和IDT模型 被引量:14

An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Intention of Consumers about Micro-blogging Marketing:Based on TAM and IDT Model
摘要 本文基于我国微博用户迅速上升、微博营销逐渐发展的大背景,回顾和总结了国内外关于网络购物参与意愿影响因素的研究成果,通过结合微博营销的特点,对消费者参与意愿进行实证研究。研究以TAM和IDT模型为理论基础,以我国微博用户为研究样本,通过结构方程模型进行假设检验。研究结果支持了大多数的研究假设,并且验证了模型的有效性。最后本文通过得出的结论提出管理建议,以期为我国微博营销的发展提供有力借鉴。 This paper gives a summarization of previous literature about the influential factors on online shopping intention of consumers,on the basis of rapidly rising of micro-blogging users and gradual development of micro-blogging marketing in China.Then devolopes an empirical research considering the characteristics about micro-blogging marketing.In this paper,the model is based TAM model and IDT model, taking micro-blogging users of our country as study samples,and employes structural equation modeling to validate research model.The analysis supports most research hypotheses and verifies the effectiveness of our model.At the end of the paper we provide scientific management advices so as to introduce something for the development of micro-blogging marketing in our country.
作者 周蓓婧 侯伦
出处 《管理学家(学术版)》 2011年第12期22-40,共19页
关键词 微博营销 技术接受模型 创新扩散理论 意愿 micro-blogging marketing TAM IDT intention
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