Influence of Waste Tire Chips on Strength Characteristics of Soils
Influence of Waste Tire Chips on Strength Characteristics of Soils
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of waste tire chips on the strength characteristics of two soils. A cohesive clayey silt soil and a cohesionless free sand soil were used. A program of standard Proctor tests, unconfined compression tests and California bearing ratio tests was carried out on specimens of the cohesive soft-tire mixtures, by varying tire chips content from 5% to 20% by weight of the soil. Vibratory compaction tests and direct shear tests were conducted on the cohesioliless soft-tire mixtures by adding tire chips varying from 10% to 50% by weight. The results showed that 13% and 30% chip contents, respectively by weight, were optimum for composite strength of the two reinforced soil mixtttres.
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