
当代美国早期保育与教育发展趋势及其启示 被引量:3

Trends in Early Childhood Care and Education in U.S.and Enlightenment
摘要 随着全球化竞争的加剧,美国社会对早期保育与教育项目的期待不断更新和提升,美国传统的幼教价值观和幼教系统受到了挑战。美国早期教育领域未来的发展趋势是:在促进儿童发展适宜性实践的框架里定义和提升儿童学业成就;在保持早期教育独特性的前提下与初等教育有效合作;在提升早期教育质量中促进儿童学习机会的公平。借鉴美国的经验,我国学前教育的发展要注意通过对话保持社会期待和儿童适宜发展间的平衡:将树立现代儿童观作为首要任务;把提升教师专业水平作为合理回应社会期待的关键。 In response to the increase of global competition, social expectations are constantly rising for early childhood care and education in America, which leads to challenges for traditional values and systems of early childhood education. The future trends for American early childhood education are: defining and advancing children's academic achievement in a child-development- appropriate framework; cooperating with elementary education in the presupposition to maintain the specialty of early childhood education; promoting fairness in children's learning opportunity in promoting quality of early childhood education. In reference of the American experience, china, in developing its preschool education, should maintain a balance between social expectation and appropriate development for children through dialogue; prioritizing the establishment of modem view of children; putting advance of teachers' professional qualification the key for a reasonable response to social expectation.
作者 张瑞瑞
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2012年第3期40-44,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 社会期待 美国早期保育与教育 儿童发展 学业成就 social expectation early childhood care and education in America children development academic achievement
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