China was one of the ancient civilized countries in the world, possessing fascinating and unique cul- tural heritages. However, these cultural heritages are mostly preserved as ancient relic. The relic park pattern could re-enact the history, restore the original information of the heritage and disseminate the heritage spirit as well as make the heritage protection and tourism development compatible and develop harmoniously. The new industry of tourism is a typical tourist product which satisfies customers' new needs and combines tourism industry with other industries. The new industry satisfies the increasing versatile needs of the con- sumers, surpassing the traditional monotonous sightseeing industry. The principles for activation of the her- itages are as follows: the well-preserved heritage should be under absolute protection and being made best use for tourism; if the heritage is mostly damaged and partially preserved, it should be protected and restored and then be used for tourism; if the heritage is destroyed and only the relic are left, it should be given special stress on protecting and reconstructed typically. If the heritage is totally ruined with only documentary records left, it should be rebuilt according to the records. With the various heritages occurrence state the original ex- perience of the heritage is different. For instance, Tang Paradise is a tourist attraction with weak heritage orig- inality, so it should be designed on the principle of constructing structurally real experience. Site of the Efang Palace and the Daminggong Palace fall to the tourism attractions with average heritage originality, so they should be developed on the principles of protectively restoring, using for tourism and creating an atmosphere of participating and organizing roles on the tourists' part. The palaces are divided into core area, outer area which is to be managed separately and the core area will be protected specially.
Human Geography
relic park
heritage activation
cultural heritage
experience tourism
new industry of tourism