
圆柱夹层多孔材料的主动散热性能研究与优化设计 被引量:1

Research on properties of active heat dissipation and optimization of cylindrical sandwich cellular materials
摘要 通过推导不同边界条件的圆柱状夹层多孔材料散热指标,研究了一种特殊结构的圆柱状夹层多孔材料主动散热问题。这种圆柱夹层材料的每一层胞体个数相同,胞体尺寸随着外径的增大而增大,从而保持每一层胞体的相对密度相同。通过计算两种不同换热边界条件下圆柱夹层多孔材料的散热性能,比较并分析了与夹层材料层数相对应的最大散热效率和最优相对密度等指标,并最终得到这些工况下的最优质量。通过分析得到,无论哪种边界条件,正六边形胞体的夹层结构散热性能优于其他构型。同时当为达到某一限定散热效率值时,正六边形胞体结构的质量最小,正六边形构型的多孔材料具有明显的综合性能优势。 The actively cooled performance of a particular cylindrical sandwich shell with cellular materials was analyzed, and the thermal performance indexes of cellular materials with different heat transfer boundary conditions were derived respectively. The particular cylindrical sandwich shell with cellular ma- terials has an equal cell number, a consistently relative density of each layer,and a growing cell size with the extension of the outer diameter. The thermal performance index of cellular materials with three dif- ferent heat transfer boundary conditions were derived respectively, the relationships between the layer number of cylindrical sandwich cellular materials and the maximum thermal performance index,the opti- mal relative density were analyzed, and then the minimum weight was achieved. The regular hexagonal cell had superior active heat dissipation performance and relatively lighter weight than others.
出处 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期1-5,37,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2011CB610305) 111引智计划项目(B07050) 西北工业大学基础研究基金和大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室开放基金(GZ0802) 西北工业大学研究生创业种子基金(Z200930) 中国博士后科学基金(20090450170)资助项目
关键词 圆柱夹层多孔材料 主动散热 换热系数 最大散热效率 性能优化 cylindrical sandwich cellular materials active heat dissipation heat transfer coefficient maximum thermal performance index performance optimization
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