
因素计点法事务类岗位评价体系有效性研究 被引量:2

Study on the Effectiveness of Point-Factor Job Evaluation System in Service Category Positions
摘要 薪酬的内部公平性对于保证员工工作的积极性,以及公司内部氛围的和谐有着重要的作用。岗位评价是建立一个具有内部公平性的薪酬体系的基础,而因素计点法是目前被广泛使用的岗位评价工具。本文针对具体企业的岗位评价和薪酬体系的现状,深入研究了因素计点法的应用过程。采用了问卷调查和统计分析的方法确定评价因素,重点介绍了改进的层次分析法在因素权重确定中的应用,并提出通过标杆企业的岗位相对价值排序来验证评价结果,最终构建了符合事务类岗位特点的评价体系和薪酬体系。本文采用的方法和数据均在具体企业实践中得到了验证,充分证实了岗位评价体系的有效性。 Internal pay equity for employees plays an important role in ensuring positive work and harmonious at mosphere within the company. An equal system of internal pay is based on proper job evaluation, and point-factor approach is widely used as one of the job evaluation tools. With regard to the present pay system and the status of job evaluation in the industry of refining of gold, this paper makes an in-depth study on the application process of point-factor ap proach. In this paper, the questionnaire survey and statistical analysis methods are used to determine the factors of job evaluation system. Also, it focuses on the weight determination using improved AHP method. Then, it is proposed that the positions' relative value order in benchmarking should be utilized to verify the job evaluation result. Finally, an job evaluation system and a salary system of the industry of refi-ning of gold are constructed, which are accord with the char acteristic of technical job. All the work is based on enterprise practice so the appropriateness of the method and the data is testified.
作者 孙新波 罗能
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2012年第1期76-80,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 因素计点法 岗位评价体系 层次分析法 有效性研究 事务类岗位 Point-Factor Job Evaluatiom Analytic Hierarchy Process Effectiveness Study Affair Position
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