
质量文化与学生参与:新世纪十年英国大学教育质量保障的新思维 被引量:13

Quality Culture and Students' Involvement:New Thoughts on Assuring the Education Quality of British Universities in the First Decade of the 21st Century
摘要 在继承大学传统与适应社会发展现实需要的基础上,新世纪英国大学教育质量保障确立了质量文化建设的新思路,并以学生参与作为提升教育质量的新手段,以内部保障为主、外部保障为辅,作为大学教育质量保障推进的新路径。英国大学教育质量保障的新思维在展示新的大学教育质量理念的同时,有效地促进了新世纪英国大学教育的质量。 On the basis of inheriting the tradition of universities and adapting to the reality of social development, British universities in the new century have put forward new thinking on developing quality culture and adopted the new method of students' involvement to assure and improve education quality. They mainly rely on internal assurance while making external assurance subsidiary. This has become a new approach to carry the assurance of university education quality forward. While demonstrating a new idea of university education quality, the new thinking has effectively promoted the education quality of British universities in the new century.
作者 王保星
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期118-123,共6页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 高等教育 英国大学 质量文化 质量保障 higher education British universities quality culture quality assurance
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