
美国印裔族群与印度侨汇的发展 被引量:1

Indian Diaspora in the US and the Development of Remittances to India
摘要 美国印裔族群因其内部构成的精英性和近年来取得的重大成就而备受关注。随着印度自由化改革的深入发展,在强烈文化价值认同的推动下,他们向祖籍国输送的侨汇亦迅速增多,并于上世纪90年代下半期开始逐渐占据了印度侨汇收入的首要地位,从而为印度经济和社会的发展作出了重要的贡献。 Overseas remittances have been exerting a significant influence on the social development of India,yet the remittance sources changed greatly over time.As an important part of the overseas Indians,Indian diaspora in America has been closely watched for its elite nature and recent achievements.Propelled by the further development of India's liberal reform and a strong cultural identity,Indian Diaspora in America has been sending more and more remittances back to India,which have come to occupy the first place among Indian's overseas remittance sources since the second half of the 1990s and have made a great contribution to the economic and social development of India.
作者 滕海区
出处 《五邑大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期69-73,95,共5页 Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 美国印裔族群 印度侨汇 发展 地位 Indian diaspora in the US overseas remittances to India development status
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