
云南芦笋产业现状及发展策略 被引量:14

Current Status and Further Developing Strategies of Asparagus officinalis Production in Yunnan
摘要 云南芦笋规模化种植始于20世纪90年代初期,以玛丽-华盛顿和UC157为主栽品种,至2011年栽培面积达1334万多公顷。当前云南芦笋栽培技术还较落后,销售产品类型单一,商品市场发育不全。生产上茎枯病、根腐病等病害是产量的主要限制因子,病害防治仍以化学农药为主。云南省独特的地理条件适于芦笋周年生产,邻接东南亚的区位优势和良好的旅游品牌效应有利于芦笋市场的形成。为充分利用这些优势,发展云南省的芦笋产业,云南应加大投资力度,提高无公害标准化栽培水平;打造"企业+基地"模式,努力开拓国内外市场;适当规划引导,推进精深加工等产业提升对策。 Large scale production of Asparagus started in early 1990s in Yunnan with Mary-Washington and UC157 as major cultivars. Asparagus, however, has developed so fast since 21 century and it reached up to about 1 334 hectares in 2011, The producing techniques of marketing level of Yunnan Asparagus is not as developed as other provinces of China. Diseases, such as stem blight caused by Phoma asparagi and root rot caused by Fusarium spp. were major limiting factors of yield and the diseases controlling, was relied on simple treatment of antifungal chemicals, in Asparagus production. Yunnan, an attractive site for tourists because of its good climates and geographically adjacent to Southeast Asia, is a suitable place for both Asparagus production and marketing in all seasons of the year. For further developing the business of Asparagus of Yunnan, there are several suggestions, such as increasing investments from both government and enterprises, improving the production level to "Green" agriculture, building an "enterprise + base" management model to fully develop domestic and international markets, and promoting deep processing of Asparagus, were proposed.
出处 《云南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期24-28,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University(Social Science)
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003074)
关键词 芦笋 生产 云南 发展战略 Asparagus production Yunnan developing strategy
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