
抗运动性疲劳营养补剂的研制 被引量:7

Resistance exercise-induced fatigue of the development of nutritional supplements
摘要 在体育训练和比赛中,运动员不论是在力量、速度、耐力和灵巧等方面都体现了强度大、难度高的特点,精神紧张,体力大量消耗,机体的各个系统都会发生不同的变化和反应,运动时体内激素分泌增加,物质代谢加强,能源物质被大量消耗,酸性代谢产物积聚加快,导致机体内环境发生一系列的变动。特别是在大运动量训练和激烈的比赛中,疲劳是不可避免的。这时机体对营养素的需求量必然发生某些改变。为了适应大运动量和高强度的专业化训练,仅靠平衡膳食是无法满足专业训练所消耗的大量能源物质,必须使用功能性的运动营养补剂来帮助运动员提高耐久力以及恢复体力和运动能力,以帮助运动员承受更大的训练压力和适应更大的额外训练应激,此外,运动营养补剂还可以帮助运动员提高自身内源性物质的合成水平。 In sports training and competition, the athletes both in the strength, speed, endurance and dexterity and so embodies the strength, high degree of difficulty, tension, a large number of physical consumption, the body will occur in all systems of different changes and responses to hormone secretion during exercise increase the body, strengthen metabolism, energy consumption of a large number of substances, to speed up the accumulation of acidic metabolites, leading to the body a series of changes in environment. Especially in the hard training and fierce competition, fatigue is inevitable. At this time the demand for nutrients the body of some change inevitable. In order to adapt to large high-intensity exercise and professional training, a balanced diet alone is unable to meet the professional training of a large number of energy consumed substances, must use the functionality of the sports nutrition supplements to help athletes to increase endurance and physical strength and athletic ability to restore, to help the training of athletes subjected to greater pressure and the additional training to adapt to greater stress, in addition, sports nutrition supplements can help athletes improve their own synthesis of endogenous levels of substances.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期133-136,共4页 Food Science and Technology
关键词 功能性 运动营养补剂 疲劳 内源性物质 functional sports nutrition supplements fatigue endogenous substances
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