Objective To assess the value of preoperative uhrasonography combined with tumor markers in predicting benign or malignant adnexal mass. Methods Between Jan. 2009 and Oct. 2010, 475 patients with adnexal mass underwent surgery in Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Hospital. Tumor morphology derived from ultrasonographic images, tumor size, tumor bilaterality, tumor markers, and patient demographics were evaluated preoperatively find compared with paraf- fin pathologic diagnosis. Muhivariable classification and regression tree analysis were used to predict benign or malignant adnexal mass. Result Among 475 patients in this study, 100 patients with ovarian cancer, 50 with borderline ovarian tumors and 325 with benign ovarian tumors were certified by final paraffin diagnosis. Tumor morphology was classified in- to cystic, solid or complex by ultrasonography. 144 (78.7%) of 183 cystic adnexal masses were benign, 19 ( 10. 4% ) were malignant. 160 ( 64. 8% ) of 247 complex adnexal masses were benign, 58 ( 23.5% ) were malignant. 21 (46. 7% ) of 45 solid adnexal masses were benign, 23 (51.1%) were malignant. Risk of malignancy in a complex or solid adnexal mass was significantly higher than that in cystic mass (P 〈 0. 001 ). Ovarian Cancer Predicting Model 1,2, 3 were designed. Model 1 : CA125 ≥35kU/L combined with solid or complex mass in tumor morphology. Model 2 : CA125 ≥ 100kU/L combined with solid or complex mass. Model 3:CA125 ≥35kU/L and CA199 ≥37kU/L combined with solid or complex mass. Conclusion The complex and solid echo of ultrasonographic images combined with CA125 (35kU/L could predict malignancy disease of ovary efficiently.
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics