

The Comparison on the Economic Development of BRICs: from the Perspective of Human Development
摘要 与传统物质财富增长的经济发展观不同,本文以人的发展为核心从经济水平、资源生态、体面生活三个维度构建适用于多国经济发展分析的比较框架,聚焦金砖四国发展现状,并在此基础上探究造成差异的影响因素,认为以人为核心的新发展观对金砖四国是一个巨大考验,如何将物质财富转化为生活品质,不仅关系到四国持续的发展潜能,更关系到未来全球整体经济发展的演变格局。 Different from traditional economic development mode on material wealth growth,taking human development as the core,the authors construct a framework suitable for multi-national development comparison from the three dimensions of economic condition,ecology and decent lifestyle,focus on the current situation of the development of BRICs and explore the causes for the differences.The authors believe that the new development view taking human as the core is a vital test on the BRICs.How to transform material wealth to life quality will have impact on not only the BRICs' potential for sustainable development,but also the future evolution of the development of global economy as a whole.
作者 孙亮 王京晶
机构地区 上海社会科学院
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期66-71,共6页 China Business and Market
关键词 经济发展 人类发展 金砖四国 economic development human development BRICs
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