
微博在医疗卫生服务中的应用 被引量:9

Application of Micro-blogging in Healthcare Service
摘要 目的:了解微博在医疗卫生服务中的应用情况,提高国内医疗行业对微博等社会媒体工具的重视。方法:检索并整理截至2011年2月国内外大型数据库关于微博在医疗卫生服务中应用的文献,介绍微博应用于医疗卫生服务的情况及评价其优势和不足之处。结果与结论:微博目前主要用于信息搜集、学术交流、医务人员继续教育和患者咨询服务4个方面,具有便捷、实时、高效传播、成本低廉、互动性强等优势,但由于其目标群体不确定、信息的有效性无法衡量、技术不完善等因素,目前只能作为科学研究的辅助工具。 OBJECTIVE:To investigate the application of micro-blogging in the medical care,and increase the attention of social media tools in the medical industry.METHODS:Retrieved from the large databse till Feb.2011,literatures about the application micro-blogging in healthcare service were analyzed to introduce the status quo of the application micro-blogging in healthcare service and its advantage and disadvantage.RESULTS CONCLUSIONS:Micro-blogging is mainly used in information collection,academic exchange,continuing education of medical staff and patient services.Micro-blogging has the advantage of convenience,real-time,efficient communication,inexpensiveness,strong interaction.It can be used only as the aids of scientific research because of object indeterminary,imponderable effectiveness of information,imperfect technology.
作者 栾嵘 翟所迪
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第9期862-864,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 微博 医疗卫生服务 应用 Micro-blogging Healthcare service Application
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