
欧盟成员国金融排斥水平及破解:比较与借鉴 被引量:7

The Level of Financial Exclusion in EU Member States and Countermeasures:Comparison and Reference
摘要 利用欧洲晴雨表数据对欧盟成员国金融排斥状况作了比较,发现一国经济发展水平和收入分配状况与其金融排斥程度紧密相关。通过梳理金融排斥成因、影响及破解金融排斥的经验,并根据六维模型描述了当前我国存在的金融排斥困境,本文认为加强对金融排斥状况的调查研究,处理好政策引导和市场基础性作用、经济增长与收入分配、金融公平与金融效率、金融机构盈利诉求与社会责任四方面关系并最终构建包容性的金融体系有助于解决我国金融排斥问题。 By using Eurobarometer data,the article compares the financial exclusion conditions of EU member states,and finds out that the degree of financial exclusion is closely related to economic development and income distribution.After combing the causes,influence and countermeasures of financial exclusion,and describing China's current financial exclusion situation with six dimensional model,the article concludes that it will help solve financial exclusion in China by strengthening the surveys on financial exclusion conditions,handling four pairs of relationships,which include policy guidance and market function,economic growth and income distribution,financial equity and financial efficiency,profitability and social responsibility of financial institutions,and finally constructing an inclusive financial system.
出处 《上海金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期18-23,116,共6页 Shanghai Finance
基金 国家软科学项目<中国包容性农村金融体系构建及政策支撑研究(2011GXQ4B006)> 教育部人文社科基金青年项目<中国农村金融排斥:形成机理 区域差异与破解机制(10YJC790261)> 湖南省自然科学基金<我国农村金融排斥的模型构建 实证检验与破解机制(11JJB005)> 湖南大学985工程"两型社会"建设创新基地 湖南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金的资助
关键词 欧盟 金融排斥 包容性金融体系 EU Financial Exclusion Inclusive Financial System
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