
领导干部提拔模式对地方政府权力运行方向的影响 被引量:2

On the Influence of the Promotion Model of Leading Cadres on the Direction of Administrative Power Operation of Local Government
摘要 利用实证调查数据,通过交叉表分析,发现在提拔领导干部时,存在侧重考察"工作能力"与侧重考察"社会活动能力"两种模式,并且这两种模式对地方政府权力运行的集体决策的程度、为亲友用权、政府工作取向、决策偏好、政策执行取向有显著影响;通过探索性要素分析发现,领导干部提拔模式对政府权力运行方向的影响可以简化为"权力为整体利益服务"和"权力为小团体服务"两个方面;通过综合性结构方程模型分析验证了探索性分析的结论,表明领导干部选拔模式确实会对政府权力运行方向产生显著影响。同时发现:在提拔领导干部时,若强调后备人选的"能力和工作业绩"及"口碑",政府权力将更多地偏向于为公共利益服务;若"背景和关系"、"跑官买官"因素发生关键影响,政府权力则容易演变成为小团体牟利的工具。 Based on empirical data and the cross-table analysis,this paper found that,the check on the cadres focused on the work capacity and the ability in social activity in promoting leading cadres,which had a significant influence on the degree of collective decision-making,the degree of abusing power for personal gains,the government work orientation,the decision-making preference and the preference of policy implementation.By the tentative-factor analysis,the finding show that the influence of the promotion model of leading cadres on the direction of administrative power operation of local government can be reduced to the two models: exercising power for the overall interests and exercising power for small group.By the comprehensive structural equation model analysis,the conclusion that the promotion model of leading cadres has a significant influence on the direction of administrative power operation of government is verified.At the same time,the finding show that,in the process of promoting leading cadres,if the ability,work performance and reputation of back-up cadres is emphasized,government power will be likely to be exercised for public interests;if the factor of background,relationship and craving official positions have a significant influence,government power will be likely to be exercised for small group.
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期12-15,共4页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社会科学重大项目(06&ZD021) 中国政法大学"211工程"资助项目
关键词 领导干部提拔 政府权力 整体利益 小团体利益 探索性要素分析 综合性结构方程 leadership cadre promotion government power the overall interests small group interests the tentative-factor analysis the comprehensive structural equation
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