
水中分娩的发展现状及临床研究 被引量:19

Development and clinical research of wassergeburt
摘要 随着现代医学和产科的不断发展,人们不断探索新的产时服务模式,以减轻分娩的痛苦,提高自然分娩率。水中分娩是指在产妇分娩发动以后,使其浸入特制的分娩池或浴盆中,采用非药物性减轻产妇在整个分娩过程中的疼痛,在水中待产或分娩。据近期研究表明,产妇在水中分娩给予的镇痛剂和催产素也相应地较传统分娩用量少,从而达到减轻镇痛、促进宫缩、缩短产程的作用。本文从水中分娩的发展历史、临床应用、安全风险分析和应用前景进行了回顾,希望水中分娩这项技术在能给国妇产科领域的开展起到借鉴作用。 As constant development and progression of modern medicine and obstetrics,the new delivery service mode has been greatly developed in order to release the puerperal pain and improve the natural labor rate.Wassergeburt means that puerpera is taken in the special pool or hot tub after launch of maternal delivery,using non drug treatment to alleviate the pain of puerperal in the birthing process.According to recent research shows that puerpera delivery in water is given Oxytocin and Analgesic less than traditional delivery usage,so as to reduce pain,promote uterine contraction,shorten the role of the birth process.The history,clinical application,safety risk analysis and the application prospect of wassergeburt are reviewed in this article,and make the technology of wassergeburt used for reference in the field of Chinese gynecology and obstetrics.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2012年第2期14-16,共3页 China Medical Herald
关键词 水中分娩 发展现状 研究 Wassergeburt Development status Research
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