
IL-17、TGF-β、IL-6 mRNA在感染猪附红细胞体小鼠脾脏中的表达 被引量:2

Expressions of interleukin-17,transforming growth factor-β and interleukin-6 mRNAs in mouse spleen infected with Mycoplasma suis
摘要 目的检测BALB/c小鼠感染猪附红细胞体(Mycoplasma suis)后脾脏中白细胞介素-17(Interleukin-17,IL-17)、转化生长因子-β(Transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)的变化。方法用纯化的猪附红细胞体感染BALB/c小鼠,设生理盐水对照组,分别于感染后1、3、5、7、9 d后,无菌采集脾脏,RT-PCR法检测小鼠脾脏中IL-17、TGF-β、IL-6 mRNA的表达。结果小鼠感染猪附红细胞体后第1、3、5、7、9天,脾脏中IL-17和IL-6 mRNA的表达量均明显高于对照组(P<0.05),且分别于第5、7天达峰值;感染后第1、3、5、7天,TGF-βmRNA的表达量均高于对照组(P<0.01),且于第3天达峰值;IL-17与IL-6的变化趋势呈正相关(r=0.568),TGF-β与IL-6的变化趋势呈负相关(r=-0.645)。结论小鼠感染猪附红细胞体后出现IL-17、TGF-β、IL-6水平升高的现象,且分别于第5、3、7天达峰值。本研究为附红细胞体病免疫调节机制的研究提供了实验依据,也为临床免疫治疗奠定了理论基础。 Objective To determine the changes of interleukin-17 (IL-17), transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNAs in spleens of BALB/c mice infected with Mycoplasma suis. Methods BALB/c mice were infected with purified M. suis, using physiological saline as control. The spleens of mice were collected aseptically on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 after infection respectively, and determined for expressions of IL-17, TGF-~ and IL-6 mRNAs by RT-PCR. Results The expression levels of IL-17 and IL-6 mRNAs in spleens of mice on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 after infection were significantly higher than those in control group (P 〈 O. 05), and reached peak values on days 5 and 7 respectively. However, the expression levels of TGF-~ mRNA on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 after infection were significantly higher than those in control group (P 〈 0. O1 ), and reached the peak value on day 3. The change tendency of IL-17 was positively related (r = O. 568), while that of TGF-β was negatively related to that of IL- 6 (r = -0. 645). Conclusion The IL-17, TGF-β and IL-6 levels increased in the mice infected with M. suiz, and reached peak values on days 5, 3 and 7 after infection, which provided an experimental basis for mechanism of immunological regulation of M. suis associated diseases and laid a theoretical foundation of clinical immunotherapy.
出处 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期181-184,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biologicals
基金 辽宁省科技基金资助项目(2006408002-4)
关键词 附红细胞体 白细胞介素.17 转化生长因子-Β 白细胞介素-6 逆转录聚合酶链反应 Mycoplasma suis Interleukin-17 Transforming growth factor-13 (TGF-β) Interleukin-6 Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
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