
根系修剪对冬枣生殖生长的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Root Pruning on the Reproductive Growth of Chinese Jujube Tree
摘要 [目的]研究根系修剪对冬枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)生殖生长的影响及作用机理,为冬枣的高产优质栽培提供指导。[方法]以6年生冬枣为试材,分别在行间两侧距树干3、5和7倍胸径距离处对其进行根系修剪处理,调查各处理枣吊数量、花量、坐果率、产量及果实维生素C(VC)、可溶性总糖、有机酸含量,研究根系修剪对冬枣生殖生长的影响。[结果]3倍胸径根系修剪与对照相比,有效地抑制了枣吊数量和花朵总数,但却极大地提高了坐果率,对产量无明显影响,但却明显提高了维生素C和总糖的含量,降低了总酸的含量。[结论]3倍胸径距离根剪是改善生殖生长的最佳距离。 [Objective] To study the effect of root pruning on the reproductive growth of Zizyphus jujube Mill.,and provide support for the high-quality and high-yield production of winter jujube.[Method] With six-year-old Chinese jujube trees as test materials,they were manually cut with a sharp spade at 3,5 or 7 times trunk diameter distance along both inter-row sides prior to buds break,the quantity of date hanging,flower number,fruiting rate,yield,contents of Vc,soluble sugar and organic acids in fruits under each treatment were inspected.[Result] 3 times trunk diameter root pruning intensely inhibited the numbers of flower and date hanging but improved fruiting rate.Although it having no impact on jujube yield,it significantly improved the total sugar and vitamin C content and reduced the content of organic acids.[Conclusion] 3 times trunk diameter root pruning was the best treatment to regulate the reproductive growth of jujube tree.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第4期2000-2002,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重大专项(2006BAD03A1505-3)
关键词 根系修剪 枣吊 花量 坐果率 果实品质 Root pruning Date hanging Flower number Fruiting rate Fruit quality
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