2Gill, Indermit and Homi Kharas (2007) An East Asian Renaissance, Ideas for Economic Growth, Washington D. C. : The World Bank.
3World Bank (2005) World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, Washington D.C. : The World Bank and Oxford University Press.
4Lewis, W.A. (1954), "Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor", The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 22, 139-191, Reprinted in A.N. Agarwala and S.P. Singh (eds) The Economics of Underdevelopment,Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1958.
6Gill, Indermit and Homi Kharas (2007) An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth, Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
7Krugman, Paul (2006)Wages, Wealth and Politics, New York Times, August 18.