
SoC事务级建模方法 被引量:2

Modeling of transaction level for SoC
摘要 为了快速地发现SoC性能的瓶颈、实现通信结构的决策,提出一种在事务级采用SystemC构建片上总线SoC模型的方法。该方法利用端口来连接模块和通道,利用通道来实现接口中定义的方法。经仿真验证,时序完全符合AHB标准,运行速度远高于RTL下的同类模型。该方法有助于在设计流程的早期找寻最优化的片上总线通信结构。 In order to find the bottleneck of the SoC' s performance and make a strategic decision for communication architecture, a modeling of transaction level for SoC using SystemC was introduced. The main idea of this method was that the modules were connected to the channels through the ports and the methods in the interfaces were implemented through the channels. The experimental results revealed that the bus model was completely compliant to AHB specification. The rapidity of modeling running under transaction level was higher than that of under register transfer level. This method would help to look for the ideal communication architecture of the chip bus in the early of the design.
出处 《中国集成电路》 2012年第1期42-47,53,共7页 China lntegrated Circuit
关键词 建模 事务级 SYS temC AHB modeling transaction level SystemC AHB
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