
头韵结合概念隐喻教学对英语习语记忆的作用 被引量:3

The Effect of Enhancement of Alliteration and Teaching of Conceptual Metaphor on the Memorization of English Idioms
摘要 习语是语言的精髓,但由于习语表达方式的特殊性,使其成为了英语学习与教学的重点和难点。Boers和Lindstromberg提出习语的教学和研究不仅应重视概念隐喻的作用,而且应当重视习语的某些音韵特征的作用,例如头韵。在没有要求学习者注意头韵的条件下,头韵本身能够辅助学习者记忆习语。在教学中提醒学生注意习语头韵特点,能够显著地促进习语形式的短时记忆,将头韵和概念隐喻有机结合起来会加强学生对习语形式和意义的短时记忆。 Idioms are the essence of English and one of the most important parts for second language learners.Boers and Lindstromberg pointed out that the research and teaching of English idioms should not only focus on the conceptual metaphor,but also focus on the phonological motivation such as alliteration.They found that alliteration was beneficial for L2 learners to memorize idioms even when they were not explicitly told to notice the feature of alliteration.The enhancement of alliteration could significantly promote the retention of the form.And if we combine the enhancement of alliteration with the teaching of conceptual metaphor,we could significantly improve Chinese EFL learner's short-term memorization of both the meaning and the form of English Idioms.
作者 董丰 任希
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2012年第1期124-129,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
关键词 英语习语 头韵 概念隐喻 短时记忆 English idioms alliteration conceptual metaphor short-term memory
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