
中欧关系中的认知差异及其影响评析 被引量:1

On the Cognitive Dissonance in Sino-European Relationship and Its Influence
摘要 近年来中欧关系中发生的一些摩擦和冲突背后,双方对同一事件与现象的认知差异日益凸显出来。中欧关系中的认知差异大致可体现为以下四种类型:欧洲对中国的认知与中国自我定位之差异;中国对欧洲的认知与欧洲自我定位之差异;中欧双方对相互关系的认知差异;中欧双方对"涉及中欧关系第三方"的认知差异。将中欧双方在交往中形成的若干认知差异按程度不等进行划分,可把中欧的认知差异粗略地划分为三种状况:逐渐趋向一致的认知差异;通过对话与协商可以弥合的认知差异;尖锐对立难以弥合的认知差异。中欧在认知差异逐渐趋向一致的领域能成功进行合作;在通过对话与协商可以弥合认知差异的领域也能展开某种程度的合作;而双方认知差异尖锐对立且难以弥合的一些问题则有可能干扰中欧关系的正常发展。 In recent years,behind the frictions and conflicts happened in Sino-European relationship,the cognitive differences of both sides to the same event and phenomena were increasingly prominent.The cognitive differences in Sino-European relationship can be reflected broadly in four types,that are the differences between Europe's cognition to China and China's self-positioning,the differences between China's cognition to Europe and Europe's self-positioning,the cognitive differences of China and Europe to Sino-European Relationship,the cognitive differences of China and Europe to the third party that related with Sino-European relationship.The cognitive differences of China and Europe can be divided into three situations according to different extents,that are the cognitive differences of gradual convergence,the cognitive differences that can be closed through dialogues and consultations,the cognitive differences that sharp contrary and difficult to be closed.China and Europe can successfully cooperate in the first situation,start certain cooperation in the second situation,but the problems in the third situation may impact the normal development of Sino-European relationship.
作者 杨烨 顾强
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期74-81,96,共9页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 同济大学“985工程”哲学社会科学创新基地课题“国家结构实力研究”(项目代码:0703141002)的中期成果
关键词 认知 认知差异 中欧关系 合作与发展 Cognition,Cognitive Differences,Sino-European Relationship,Cooperation and Development
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